Saturday, January 23, 2010

Haiti, a nasty little republic

Think again before giving money for Haiti. It's like trying to keep an old car on the road way past its prime. The old saying applies, "Good money for bad". 
Haiti before the January 12 quake was already a disaster area. The little Caribbean nation is like a transplanted nation from Africa. It is the poorest mismanaged country in the Western Hemisphere. Haiti sits in the middle of the Hurricane belt. Devastation is on an annual basis between June and October. One of main reasons the French gave them independence in 1804. Since that time the nation has experienced one corrupt government after another. Drugs cartels control the current government and the authorities are on the take. Tourists and aid workers require foreign military protection from gangs and local police or military. Locals are gunned down in the street daily. 

What is Haiti's main attraction? What you would expect from a nation of peasants. Exploitation of millions of unskilled labours (originally from Africa's slave trade). Sweat shops and slave plantations are abundant. Only a mere 1% of the tropical forest remains. Large multinationals are the largest stake holders in this banana republic. They should be holding the tab for rebuilding Haiti. But, this time do not use rigid cement buildings. Cement and wood (used to be) are exports of this island nation. Sorry, no wood left for fuel or materials. Just one more import for a massive trade deficit.  Do not be concerned. The balance of trade can be made of, Restaveks, child slaves (500,000 before the quake). 

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  1. Haiti has always been taken advantage of.

  2. there is no "slave" in Creole

  3. da Vodou gods janmen bliye

  4. Multinationals need cheap labour, especially Toyota in their time of need.
